What better way to spend time with your pup than seeing some of the wonders around the world.

Here are some of our favorite:

1. Banff National Park in Canada

Dog Obedience Training

(Photo Cred: aspenmountainpup)

Just where does one start? With 6,500 miles of glaciers, ice fields, and forests we’re pretty sure your pup will have plenty to explore.


2. Yosemite national park

Dog Obedience Training

(Photo Cred: remuna)


Soak up your surroundings as you explore one of America’s most amazing national parks.


3. Glacier peak-Washington

Training With Rescue Dogs

(Photo Cred: sam_davis)


There is no better time like the present. Plan a trip and hike Washington’s most active volcano with your pup.


4. Beartooth mountains

(Photo Cred: picobac)


Stroll into the sunset with my dog at the foot of these beautiful mountains.


5. Peyto Lake-Alberta, Canada

How to Stop Your Dog from Resource Guarding

(Photo Cred: Sinclair_photo)


Cozy up and enjoy the view of this magical glacier-fed lake, located in Alberta, Canada.


6. Lake tahoe

How to prevent them

(Photo Cred: mattbroadwin)


Come rain, sun or snow, Lake Tahoe is enjoyable year round, especially for our furry friends.


7. horseshoe bend

Why Do Dogs Hate Men?

(Photo Cred: kylekesterson)

What better place to get down on one knee and pop a box of Milk bones than 1000 ft. above the Colorado River, during sunset.


8. Great San Dunes National Park

7 Cute Gifts to Buy Your Pup

(Photo Cred: Kodiak_thebeardog)


Running up and down these dunes will not only give those legs a work out but they are sure to provide your pup with hours of fun.


9. Buffalo Peaks, COlorado

Is Your Dog Afraid of Fireworks

(Photo Cred: boone_and_moon)


Find peace as you slowly tackle one peak at a time with your pups in search of Colorado’s largest herd of bighorn sheep.


10. Purcell Mountains, Canada

Does Your Dog Chew Your Life Up

(Photo Cred: picobac)


Take in breath-taking views as you and your pup campaign across Canada’s south-eastern mountain range.


11. San Francisco, California

Recent Dog Attacks

(Photo Cred: chuweeee)


Selfie sticks always come in handy when you and your pup are exploring this iconic Californian landmark


12. yoho national park, Canada

Is Your Dog Afraid of Fireworks

(Photo Cred: adoria_the_explorer)


Sit back, hand in paw, relax, and enjoy the breath-taking view of Takakkaw Falls.


13. Lake mead, las vegas

Partners Dog Training

(Photo Cred: kylekesterson)


This tranquil spot allows for hours of relaxation or exploration, whichever way the mood takes.


14. florida

(Photo Cred: laducb)


Florida is filled with a myriad of tourist activities. Keeping yourself and the doggies entertained shouldn’t be a problem at all.


15. Keyhole hot springs, canada

(Photo Cred: laducb)


Florida is filled with a myriad of tourist activities. Keeping yourself and the doggies entertained shouldn’t be a problem at all.


16. Grand Canyon, Arizona

Grand Canyon


(Photo Cred: Francisco Morais)

Without a doubt the most stunning site you could visit with your dog would be the Grand Canyon. While you’re in AZ, stop by Partners Dog Training and get some training!

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