What better way to spend time with your pup than seeing some of the wonders around the world.
Here are some of our favorite:
1. Banff National Park in Canada

(Photo Cred: aspenmountainpup)
Just where does one start? With 6,500 miles of glaciers, ice fields, and forests we’re pretty sure your pup will have plenty to explore.
2. Yosemite national park

(Photo Cred: remuna)
Soak up your surroundings as you explore one of America’s most amazing national parks.
3. Glacier peak-Washington

(Photo Cred: sam_davis)
There is no better time like the present. Plan a trip and hike Washington’s most active volcano with your pup.
4. Beartooth mountains

5. Peyto Lake-Alberta, Canada

(Photo Cred: Sinclair_photo)
Cozy up and enjoy the view of this magical glacier-fed lake, located in Alberta, Canada.
6. Lake tahoe

(Photo Cred: mattbroadwin)
Come rain, sun or snow, Lake Tahoe is enjoyable year round, especially for our furry friends.
7. horseshoe bend

(Photo Cred: kylekesterson)
What better place to get down on one knee and pop a box of Milk bones than 1000 ft. above the Colorado River, during sunset.
8. Great San Dunes National Park

(Photo Cred: Kodiak_thebeardog)
Running up and down these dunes will not only give those legs a work out but they are sure to provide your pup with hours of fun.
9. Buffalo Peaks, COlorado

(Photo Cred: boone_and_moon)
Find peace as you slowly tackle one peak at a time with your pups in search of Colorado’s largest herd of bighorn sheep.
10. Purcell Mountains, Canada

(Photo Cred: picobac)
Take in breath-taking views as you and your pup campaign across Canada’s south-eastern mountain range.
11. San Francisco, California

(Photo Cred: chuweeee)
Selfie sticks always come in handy when you and your pup are exploring this iconic Californian landmark
12. yoho national park, Canada

(Photo Cred: adoria_the_explorer)
Sit back, hand in paw, relax, and enjoy the breath-taking view of Takakkaw Falls.
13. Lake mead, las vegas

(Photo Cred: kylekesterson)
This tranquil spot allows for hours of relaxation or exploration, whichever way the mood takes.
14. florida

(Photo Cred: laducb)
Florida is filled with a myriad of tourist activities. Keeping yourself and the doggies entertained shouldn’t be a problem at all.
15. Keyhole hot springs, canada

(Photo Cred: laducb)
Florida is filled with a myriad of tourist activities. Keeping yourself and the doggies entertained shouldn’t be a problem at all.
16. Grand Canyon, Arizona

(Photo Cred: Francisco Morais)
Without a doubt the most stunning site you could visit with your dog would be the Grand Canyon. While you’re in AZ, stop by Partners Dog Training and get some training!