Aggressive biting

Aggression can be incredibly frightening, not to mention, dangerous to friends, family, and your dog. If a dog has a bite history, the level of person required to train them is difficult to find. Fortunately, we have been dealing with Aggression and Biting Behavior for the past 20 years. We have trained thousands of dogs to stop their aggression, channel that energy into more positive behaviors, and teach you how to maintain those behaviors into the future.

Yes or no?

Do you want your dog to stop acting aggressive? Do you want to stop worrying about your dog harming something? Do you want a well-behaved pup that you can be proud of?

If you answered “Yes!” to any of the above, schedule a call with us or keep reading…

What we recommend to stop aggressive biting

Lesson assessment

When we are dealing with behavioral or potentially reactive issues we like to see your pup first hand to understand what’s occurring. In order to do that, we start with a Lesson/Assessment. This allows us to:

  • Meet you and your pup.
  • See the behaviors you’re wanting to work on.
  • Introduce you to the school, trainers, and our methods.
  • Decide the best path forward (usually from one of the programs below).

This assessment usually takes an hour and costs $109. However, you will still get some great advice on how to address the issue. Additionally, we use these assessments to nail down the length of time and pricing for whichever program your pup goes into. If you decide to leave your pup for camp, we contribute the $109 into the cost of camp, essentially making the assessment free.

To get started, schedule a call with us below. We will go over some paperwork, confirm vaccinations, take a deposit for the lesson, and schedule the best time for you!

Lives Save

Dogs Trained


Success Rate

potential programs to stop aggressive biting

aggression camp

  •  28-Night Program
  • 3 Training Sessions Per day for 30 min each
  • 7 hours of Private Lessons
  • 12 weeks of Pet Parenting Group Classes
  • Extremely consistent structure essential to achieve progress with your pup

behavior camp

  • 21-Night Program
  • 1.5 Hours/day of Training
  • 5 hours of Private Lessons
  • 8 weeks of Pet Parenting Group Classes
  • Extremely consistent structure essential to achieve progress with your pup

Private Lessons

  • Approx. 60 minutes of training
  • Highly experienced Instructor
  • Work through problems to achieve goals
  • Work in a distraction-filled environment with instructor guidance
  • Consistent, but relies on your home-training

Frequently Asked Questions


We are located at 4640 E Forest Pleasant Place, Cave Creek Arizona, 85331.

How much is it?

Our pricing depends on what we see in the assessment, so please give us a call so that we can schedule that!


We always recommend Camp first, but all of our programs are great in their own way!

How do i get started?

Give us a call (480.595.6700) so that we can start on paperwork and scheduling!

Are there guarantees?

There are no guarantees when it comes to dog behavior. However, we have an incredibly high success rate.

Not sure what program is best? We can help!

Schedule a call or call now at 480.595.6700.

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